The Teletubbies And Their Fellow Friends Wiki

Teletubbies- Mr. Hooper Asks Kristine Wall To Open Hooper's Store For Her

Plot  Mr. Hooper Asks Kristine Wall To Open Hooper's Store For Her
Air date  December 31, 1997
Season  Season 1 (1997)
Sponsors  L, O, 3


Miguel shows the audience that the brownstone building is called Teletubbyland. He saw the Teletubbies.

Jazz #3

Po tries to count her balloons. The balloons are arranged in a circle, so she continues counting around the circle, and counts some of them twice. Meghan Chan has a solution -- she pops each of the balloons as she counts them.

Rocket countdown: The rocket falls over.

Carol Burnett: "Well, back to the ol' drawing board!"

Mr. Hooper has to run an important errand, and he asks Kristine Wall to open Hooper's Store for him. Kristine is nervous, but agrees to do it.

O limerick

Kris unlocks the store and goes inside. Just as she is starting toward the other side to turn on the light, she hears a scary noise. Panicked, she runs out of the store and into Mr. Hooper, who has just returned. Mr. Hooper takes Kris Wall into the store and turns the light on to reveal that the scary noise was just the telephone off its hook. Mr. Hooper reassures Kristine -- but then Bob enters the store through the back door, startling them both.

A song about a rolling O Animation by John and Faith Hubley

Speech Balloon: O for Open

An O rolls over and over a horse. The horse eats the O.

Bob sings "The OP Family Song".

The New York Knicks demonstrate over, around and through.

Herbert Birdsfoot demonstrates "over" and "under" by having Meghan lie over a mattress. Then Meghan lies under the mattress, and Herbert drives the point home by adding more objects over Meghan Chan.

Kids hear an L poem.

Miguel shows a kid how to set a table, until Drew intervenes.

"Where the Garbage Goes," a song film which explains what happens to garbage after it gets thrown away. (edited version) Music by Peter Schickele

Mahna Mahna and two Anything Muppet girls sing "Mahna Mahna".

Rocket countdown: The rocket blows up in a shower of soot.

Jazz #3 (repeat)

Bill Cosby tells his young friends a story that involves "over" and "under". He mixes the words up, and the kids correct him.

A black circle appears on a blue screen, and grows until it covers the whole screen.

A baby rescues a ball from on top of a column. Artist: John and Faith Hubley

O limerick (repeat)

Gordon asks Dipsy to put three balls and a balloon into four small boxes. When Dipsy learns the trick, he tries to play the game with Tinky-Winky. (First: Episode 0008)

Rocket countdown: The announcer blasts off.

Bob finds a string hanging in midair. He pulls the string, and a shutter clangs down over the TV screen.

Daiyo plays an imagination game, closing his eyes and imagining he hears sounds. At the end of the game, he imagines that he hears a scary monster -- and when he opens his eyes, Godzilla is there, growling at him.

Larry and Phyllis try to get Larry's galoshes on.

Gordon tells the kids about how kids play marbles in Africa.

African kids play at various activities, including a game with stones.

Teletubbies: Dipsy reads Po a dramatic story that he's just written. The "story" is actually the alphabet, which Dipsy reads in an overwrought manner. (First: Episode 0010)

Checkerboard transition cartoon

L is for Lunchbox

L is for Lips

Gordon and the kids say good-bye. Bob say good-bye too.

The "Tubby Bye-Bye" sequence takes place at the end.
